Wizards had been using the same asset management software called Drake since 2004. This system was engineered using Filemaker, a data bade and prototyping tool. Drake was built in house and used as a tool to hop from paper and pen to the digital space for art and asset approvals for the tabletop game called Magic the Gathering. As Wizards grew and scaled, so did the use of Drake. Brands other than Magic the Gathering (MTG) began using this new wonderful asset management tool and the scope and use cases exploded. Fast forward to 2019, Filemaker has become a less popular tool in the industry and the amount of engineers available globally is numbered in the handfuls. Along with a restriction of qualified engineers to choose from came
- 15 years of quick fixes
- Weird brand branches
- The creation work arounds by users and engineers alike due to compressed timelines
- Bugs in the system due to the nature of updating software that lives on client computers.
With Wizards commissioning more the 6,000 pieces of art a year just between Magic the Gathering (MTG) and Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), the system needed to be redesigned and updated so that
- Wizards could pull from a wider engineering pool.
- Workflows could be updated to match modern day workflow needs.
- Simplify the complex daily work required by Drake's complex and fractured nature.
It was determined that this project was to be completed from August 2019 to mid Dec 2019. Due to the short timeline for such a massive project, I had been added to this project as UX support to the primary UX lead in September. I ultimately took over the project as UX lead mid November 2019 and had less than a month to complete a full hand off of work.