Hey, I'm Shaunte, UX Designer, people advocate, and guerrilla UXR/usability researcher when I need to be. I believe UX design should start and end with people and their goals. It's about providing service in the form of intuitive and recognizable design patterns that allow someone to effortlessly reach their goals.
I have three design philosophies that guide every decision I make as a designer.
FAIL FAST by learning from the last iteration. Don't take the bad forward with you.
EVERYTHING ON PURPOSE whether it's on a page, in a document, or built within a system, it should be there purposely. There are no "I don't know's" in my designs.
WRITE A SHORTER LETTER. Pascal knew what he was talking about. The heart of complexity is finding simplicity. I always take the time to ask "Okay... what can I take out?"
When I'm not harping on about UX design, I am raising a beautiful young kid, finding endless ways to annoy my partner, whining about being a HARD-STUCK in Diamond playing Rocket League, and pursuing my passion for landscape photography.
Along with UX design, I am a heavy advocate of UX research. Businesses forget that just because they know users are doing, they understand WHY users are doing it. If no one is talking to users... we are not UX designers, we're just designers "trying our best." I make it my job to evangelize and advocate for as much UX research as I can get. I often run my own "guerrilla" research projects including surveys, user interview sessions, and usability studies when necessary.